The article lists the following five reasons why travel is good for your mental health:
It's a great stress buster
Travel helps you reinvent yourself
It boosts happiness and satisfaction
It makes you mentally resilient
Travel enhances creativity
My observation is that a really good vacation checks all these boxes.
Other studies that say "Travel is good for you"
There's been lots of research showing that experiences, like travel are much more valuable than material things, like purchasing a new car. This article on the Science of Spending Money on Experiences and Not Things focuses on what makes you happy. And this article called "Buy Experiences, Not Things" draws on behavioral economic principles. So yes, travel is good for you and certainly preferential than using the money to buy something tangible.
Travel as an experience
Travel is the ultimate in experiences and so spending money on travel makes a lot of sense to a lot of people. In planning a trip, you think about new places and experiences. During the trip you obviously experience new and wonderful things which impact all your senses: sightseeing, tasting new foods, smelling the local flowers or wine, touching a centuries old castle and listening to new languages and ways of thinking.
But maybe the best part of travel, from a happiness standpoint is after you come back. You get to share memories with people over and over again. Those thousands of pictures from your last trip? They will help you relive your trip many times. And each time you revisit that trip, you get to experience happiness all over again. This is why travel is good for you.
How can we help
Azamara Quest
We work hard to make sure your next trip is really good for your mental health!
As travel professionals, it's our job to make the planning experience fun and the actual trip delightful and stress free. That way, you'll get to relive the entire experience for the rest of your life. We want to make it a great experience, you so come back for more. In fact, virtually all my business is now repeat business - people that want to make more memories via travel.